I worked a little bit today on some paper poinsettias- yes, I am looking toward the holidays already! I have been looking for a poinsettia paper punch, but haven't liked any I have seen. My BFF Kendra sent me a link to a great tutorial on how to make poinsettias, and they are gorgeous! However, they are labor-intensive, so that's why I'm starting now, 6 months before Christmas. I'm hoping to use these for gift bags and tags, and figure that if I can get some assembled now, it will be easier work to put together the bags and tags a few months from now. After all, who needs even MORE to do during the holidays?! Anyway, check these out- they're not perfect since I'm still learning, but I like they way they are coming along!

I had almost everything I needed for these, except for the punch for the center petals, so I took a trip to Michael's today. I am there quite often, as it is very close to home, but I have been increasingly frustrated with them since they changed their coupon policy. It used to be that you could bring in multiple coupons to use, but now they will only accept one per customer per day. Now, I ask you, what good is it for them to print a 40% off one item coupon and a 15% off entire purchase coupon side by side in the newspaper but not let the customer use them at the same time?! I get their coupons in my email, in the paper, and at the register, so just how am I supposed to use these without making half a dozen trips there a week? Arrrgggh! Today I was fed up enough to actually write them a letter (yes, a letter, on real paper) and give them a piece of my mind. To me, it demonstrates a lack of respect for not only their customers' time, but also the environment, to require multiple trips to their store when one would suffice. Maybe I will just have to go to Craft Warehouse more often- they don't make you jump through all kinds of hoops! Anyway, rant over. The punch I got is a Martha Stewart punch, and it's not the one I really wanted, but they did not have the 5 petal punch. This one looks better than my daisy punch though, which I tried at first but didn't like the result as much.
Anyway, on to the promotion. I don't know if anyone out there is actually reading my blog, but just in case someone is, here is a deal for you! Place an order from my Etsy shop by June 7 for one bookmark at the regular price, and get a second one for equal or lesser value for half price, plus free shipping! This is a great opportunity to get a nice little gift to slip into a graduation card or to give a special teacher as an end-of-the-year gift, or even just to treat yourself to something pretty! Just place your order for both bookmarks and pay via PayPal, and I will refund the shipping and half the price of the second bookmark. Make sure that you send me a convo through Etsy to let me know you have placed the order, and mention that you saw the promotion on my blog. It's that simple!
Next time, I hope to have some more gift bags to show you. Until then, enjoy your week!
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